Since we started working with Odegi our sales have increased by 400%
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Your eCommerce Partner

Odegi’s eCommerce optimization program focuses on increasing your sales and online presence by maximizing on your IT and Marketing investments. We create a personalized eCommerce optimization program tailored to drive higher sales & customer loyalty by concentrating on four fundamental areas:

  • Conversion Optimization
    Identify and address the issues on your website that are preventing your visitors from purchasing. Odegi helps you maximize on existing web traffic by testing which web changes convert the most; thereby increasing sales, repeat customers and the average order value.

  • Technology Optimization
    Helping you invest in the right infrastructure, eCommerce platform, tools & integrations that will enable you to streamline your operations and grow your ecommerce business more profitably. 

  • Human Resource Optimization
    Find the right resources to help fuel your growth. Odegi can provide the human resources or help you recruit the resources required for your growth program. 

  • Marketing Automation
    Harness the power of customer data and automation to deliver personalized communication, product recommendations and offers to your customers, thereby increasing your sales. 


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